Microscopic Changes, Big Impact
Through an NSF grant, students, alumni, and faculty edit genes to identify targets for creating climate-resistant crops, and teach others too.
Through an NSF grant, students, alumni, and faculty edit genes to identify targets for creating climate-resistant crops, and teach others too.
“We’re working together to address some of the most pressing global health challenges.”
“Sometimes the most rewarding experiences come from unexpected places.”
“I love the tangible impact that local government can have on people's lives.”
Culture scout and Emmy Award winner Ian Grant ’91 on visiting Ukrainian artists and bringing current Gustie students along (virtually) for the ride.
Move-In Day 2024 welcomed more than 30 legacy first-year Gusties—and welcomed back their alumni family members.
Through a Gustavus partnership with the Mayo Clinic's Surf Program, Henry Noma '24 is the future generation of scientists and academics.
The First-Year Research Experience Program gives students in the natural sciences and math fields the opportunity to conduct undergraduate research early in their college career.
For Mayo Clinic Gustie anesthesiologists, what they learned at Gustavus is in line with how they treat people today.
Gustavus liberal arts was a training camp for the careers of these Gustie alums from a variety of majors and fields.
Jobs moves, new achievements, life changes, weddings, births, and more. News from Gusties.
The truth of it all: "In a way, it's a superpower.”
How Civil Rights legend Bernard LaFayette, Jr. helped make justice a Gustavus core value.
To call it “recreational competition” is to be oxymoronic. Some intramural fun throughout the years.
Jobs moves, new achievements, life changes, weddings, births, and more. News from Gusties.
A poem from "Prof B" Phil Bryant ’73, who retired at the end of the 2023-2024 academic year.
Following her mom’s advice, Aryn Bell DeGrood ’09 transferred to Gustavus during her first year. Here how it flipped her life around.
25 truths about Gustavus Women’s Hockey from Coach Mike Carroll, who’s been at it for 25 years.
Around the world, Gusties get together. Here are several. Do you have photos of your favorite Gusties gathering?
Around the world, Gusties get together. Here are several. Do you have photos of your favorite Gusties gathering?
Fiery attacks, heart-stopping rallies, and gnarly digs. That's Gustavus Volleyball under "Coach Ro."
The small college experience, the Center for Career Development, and old-fashioned gumshoeing led this Gustavus grad to a Vikings internship.
Any way you count it, this two-sport athlete's passion for stats has helped prepare him for what's next.
As told by Tommy Valentini ’02, Steve Wilkinson Endowed Professor of Sports Ethics and Varsity Men’s Tennis Coach.
Two years after the Grand Opening of Phase One of the Lund Center Expansion and Renovation, an update.
An essay from Jillian Hiscock ’05, who launched a Minneapolis bar solely devoted to women’s sports.
What does it take to be President of Gustavus Adolphus College? Here's what we're looking for.
Here's what's up—and what's going to come up in the future—on the South Mall.
These Five Gustavus faculty and staff know first hand what it’s like.
Pilar Gimenez Stier ’96 on her journey from teen immigrant to Minnesota’s First Latina Police Chief.
The Faculty Leadership Task Force responded quickly to marketplace needs and made student-centered improvements to the curriculum.
Kalpulli Tlaloctecuhtli means “the supreme energy of the rain, lightning and thunder.”