Gusties Gather, Fall 2024

Around the world, Gusties get together. Here are several. Do you have photos of your favorite Gusties gathering?
Author picture for Stephanie Ash
Several Gusties sit on a couch in a tasteful living room

A group of California alumni met for a Zoom call with professors emeriti Rob and Judy Gardner. Back, l to r: Peter Breitmayer ’87, Gail Matthius Wirth ’75, Peter Krause ’87, and Stephen Bennett. Front, l to r: Christine Mourad, John Wirth ’75, English professor emeritus Larry Owen, and Cheryl Downey ’66. Little did they know it would be the last time they would connect. Rob and Judy died as the result of a car crash shortly after. Larry passed away on August 26, 2024. 


Gusties Gather is a regular feature of the digital and print magazine from Gustavus. Have you gathered with other Gusties recently? Send us your latest updates, with photos of 600 KB or more in size. Bonus points if you're sporting Gustie gear!

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